About InterProΒΆ

InterPro is a resource that provides functional analysis of protein sequences by classifying them into families and predicting the presence of domains and important sites. To classify proteins in this way, InterPro uses predictive models, known as signatures, provided by several collaborating databases (referred to as member databases) that collectively make up the InterPro consortium. A key value of InterPro is that it combines protein signatures from these member databases into a single searchable resource, capitalising on their individual strengths to produce a powerful integrated database and diagnostic tool. We add further value to InterPro entries by providing detailed functional annotation as well as adding relevant GO terms that enable automatic annotation of millions of GO terms across the protein sequence databases.

InterPro integrates signatures from the following 13 member databases:

CATH, CDD, HAMAP, MobiDB Lite, Panther, Pfam, PIRSF, PRINTS, Prosite, SFLD, SMART, SUPERFAMILY AND NCBIfam (the InterPro consortium section gives further information about the individual databases).

The member databases use a variety of different methods to classify proteins. Each of the databases has a particular focus (e.g. protein domains defined from structure, or full length protein families with shared function). We strive to integrate the signatures from the member databases into InterPro entries and to identify where different member database entries are the same entity.

InterPro member databases

You can use the InterPro website to obtain information about individual protein families, domains, important sites, perform a sequence search or browse through InterPro annotations. We have designed the website to be intuitive for new users meaning it is not essential to read this documentation. However, in the following sections you will find a wealth of specialised and powerful features that can be easily overlooked. You may also want to check out our list of training materials and webinars.

InterPro is updated approximately every 8 weeks. The release notes page contains information about what has changed in each release.

All information in InterPro is freely available. You can download InterPro data for local analyses from the Download page, or use the InterPro API. Find out more about the project by exploring the latest papers.